Amazing Results from Deans fundraiser – THANK YOU ALL!

Dear Abbey Member

What an incredible day was had on Saturday for Dean’s fundraiser…. The sun came out and so did the wallets!

And I’m absolutely delighted to say the total amount raised from the raffles, entry fees from day, donations and auctions was an astonishing £8539.00 !!

What made the day even more special was Dean himself managing to make it along. He wanted to personally thank as many of you as possible as you’ve been such a huge support for him, and it was great to see him looking well and on the road to recovery. He also told me it was a real confidence booster interacting with lots of people again, even if it’s for just shorter periods of time at the moment.

His speech therapy via the NHS comes to an abrupt halt in a couple of weeks’ time, due to a shortage of specialists available, however thanks to your generosity, the funds raised will also help contribute to continued therapy via private healthcare. This will undoubtedly help Dean get back to normality as quickly as is possible and we certainly look forward to having him back at the club hopefully sooner than expected.

Big, big thanks again to Abs and his family for running the event on Saturday, Frank Langley for organising the first raffle and Andy Davill for also helping run the day and squeezing every last pound from the 4 ball auctions!  

Most importantly thank you, thank you all. I couldn’t be more proud of our membership for all you’ve done to support Dean.

Rob & The Abbey Golf Team