Current Update on Fairway Conditions and Maintenance Efforts

Message from Abs

Good afternoon all.

Craig has asked me to pass on his understanding about the length of the grass on the fairways. From the weekend it is understood some complaints were made to the shop.

By no way is this an excuse, they do know the fairways are long, the fairway mower is the heaviest mower they have. One of the lightest ones got stuck 3 times last week trying to cut the greens.

They were very hopeful to try and cut them last week but then more rain fell, as we know as trolleys were only reinstated on Saturday.

There are only 4 of them as well and as those that played will hopefully seen they are working hard on the bunkers.

The fairways will be cut at the first opportunity that the mower can get on the group and not risk getting stuck or creating months of damage.

I say this for your information. This is why placing is currently allowed everywhere.

If anyone does have complaints then please direct them to the committee. We will be more than happy to explain on and one to one basis

Just for some context, this is the damage the hand mower did, the fairway mower is slightly heavier at 2tons